Welcome to Dallin!

The Dallin Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a vibrant and busy group and as a Dallin parent/guardian or a Dallin teacher, you’re automatically a member.

The Dallin PTO’s primary goals are to:

  •  Provide enrichment opportunities that supplement the curriculum
  •  Sponsor community-building events for Dallin families
  •  Fundraise to support our students, school, and classroom needs.

Stay Informed

Dallin official information is emailed to registered families using the e-mail address they provided at registration. You can also:

More information about ways to stay informed is available here.

Get Involved

Dallin PTO has a variety of ways to volunteer, whether you want to do hands-on organizing of an event or stay behind the scenes sending some emails – you’re encouraged to volunteer to your comfort level!

Consider volunteering to be on the PTO Board or to lead a PTO-organized effort (lots of opportunities, big and small!). Take a look at the current list of opportunities here.

PTO Meetings

We usually meet the first Wednesdays of the month September through June. You can see minutes from our previous meetings here.


We’re always looking to find ways to help all families feel welcome and connected to the Dallin community, and welcome any questions or feedback you may have! You can submit a comment through our suggestion box or contact us via email at dallinptoboard@gmail.com.