Welcome to the PTO!

By having a child at the Dallin School, you are automatically a member of the Dallin Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)! The Dallin PTO’s primary goals are to:

  •  Provide enrichment opportunities that supplement the curriculum
  •  Sponsor community building events for Dallin families
  •  Fund raise to support our students, school, and classroom needs

Volunteer Opportunities

Dallin PTO has volunteer opportunities that will work for you, whether you want to do hands-on organizing of an event or stay behind the scenes sending some emails – you’re encouraged to volunteer to your comfort level! Please see our sign up for volunteer opportunities.

Stay Informed

To stay up to date on Dallin news, you can subscribe to our e-mail lists and newsletter or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. More information is available here.

The school directory is distributed only to the Dallin community and is a valuable resource for connecting with other Dallin families. Register or update your information here.

PTO Meetings

We meet the fourth Thursdays of the month September through May either in the mornings (8:15 a.m.) or evenings (7 p.m.). Meeting times and agendas are sent out in advance.


We’re always looking to find ways to help all families feel welcome and connected to the Dallin community, and welcome any questions or feedback you may have! Please contact us at dallinptoboard@gmail.com.

Parent Welcome Back Coffee September 6

What:  Coffee and light refreshments

When: Friday, September 6 after morning drop-off

Where: Dallin Cafeteria

See you there!

Back to School

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year!

Dallin PTO is a vibrant component of the school community and as a Dallin parent/guardian, you are automatically a member!

Please join us for our annual End of Summer Popsicle Party at Florence Field (next to Dallin School) on Thursday August 29th, 6-7:30pm. 

Dallin PTO has volunteer opportunities that will work for you, whether you want to do hands-on organizing of an event or stay behind the scenes sending some emails – you’re encouraged to volunteer to your comfort level! Please see our sign up for volunteer opportunities.

We are also looking for 2-3 room parents for each class, you can find out more and sign up here.

Fall Picnic

On Friday, September 21st will be the Annual Fall Picnic from 5-7 pm. This is a great opportunity to come and celebrate the Dallin Community. You are welcome to bring your own food and drink but there will also be pizza and water available for purchase.  There might even be popsicles. Additionally, feel free to bring any outdoor games to play.

Welcome Back Coffee

Save the Date!

Please join us for a Welcome Back Coffee, Friday September 7th at 8:10 am. Come enjoy a cup of coffee and connect with friends old and new.

Information regarding PTO events/volunteer opportunities will be available.

Happy Summer!


Mark your calendars now for our annual popsicle party on August 30 at 6 p.m. at the playground next to the school. Please join us!

School starts on September 4, and it will be early release at 11:30 (no lunch) due to the Primary election. The full district calendar is available here.

As you are welcoming and introducing yourself to new neighbors in our community this summer who will be attending Dallin, please let them know about our New Family Welcome Program. We want each of our families at Dallin to be able to grow roots with us and feel welcome. For more information, please contact Dana Michelsen.

We hope you have a safe and happy summer!

Last PTO Meeting of the Year

Come celebrate a memorable school year!

Our final monthly DALLIN PTO MEETING

Wednesday, MAY 30, 2018

7 PM


Highlights of the evening include:

  • Guest Sara Burd (K-12 Director of SEL and Guidance for the APS District) speaking on Social Emotional Learning
  • Guest Shirley Canniff (TASC Director) speaking on an exciting new school art project
  • Special presentation summarizing this year’s amazing achievements and a look ahead of what’s to come for 2018-2019
  • Special presentation honoring “retiring” Members of the PTO Board

Babysitting will be provided at the meeting.

Dallin End of Year Picnic

The Dallin End of Year Picnic is Friday, June 8th, from 5 p.m. to dusk. This is a very fun and low-key, traditional event  for our school that our kids and parents really enjoy. It is a nice way to close out the school year!

All back by popular demand:

  • Bouncy Houses
  • “You Spin You Win” Cupcakes
  • Cake Walk
  • Manicure Table
  • Face Painting
  • Tattoo Parlor
  • Dunk Tank
  • Pizza, Beverages, and Richie’s Slush for Sale

What can you do? We need Volunteers to work the activities, all are fun and easy to do, please give us some of your time to make the picnic a success. You can sign up online. You can also consider donating cakes or cupcakes, to help make this the most successful End of Year Picnic yet!

All activities will be provided for a nominal charge for each activity. Cash is preferred – small bills if possible.  We will have a central ticket area, where you can purchase all of your tickets for these activities.

The proceeds from our annual picnic go to the Dallin ASSIST (A Simple Solution in Stressful Times) fund that helps our own Dallin families in need during tough times.

So, grab a blanket, bring a picnic and come down to Dallin on June 8th for a great night of fun with the Dallin community! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Parent Forum

Do you dread talking to your kids about “the birds and the bees”? Come listen to professional health educators from Planned Parenthood relay their tips and tricks for talking to your kids about this sensitive subject. Topics will include:

  • how to clarify your/your family’s values
  • what to do when your child asks a question out of the blue
  • factual information to refresh our (the adults) knowledge on how the human body works!

We hope you will join us on Tuesday May 15 at 7:00pm here at Dallin for an informative discussion. Babysitting will be available!

Dallin Auction This Week!

This is just a reminder that the Dallin Spring Auction: Planting Seeds for Blooming Hearts & Minds, will be held this coming Friday, the 27th at the Town Hall.  It promises to be a fantastic night and we hope that all of you will join us as we celebrate the great teaching and learning that happens at the Dallin School.  All proceeds from the event support our teachers and students.

Tickets:  Ticket prices are now $30 each.  Please reach out to Mr. Dingman by Wednesday if you would like to come but the ticket price creates a hardship.  You can still submit a paper ticket form to the main office or buy tickets online at: charityauction.bid/DallinSpringAuction.  Tickets are not sold at the door.  They are on sale until noon on Friday.

Please consider volunteering during this week or at the event:  We would greatly appreciate it if you would consider volunteering to help for a shift during this week or throughout the day and/or evening on Friday, the 27th.  If you have a bit of time to spare, please check out the signup genius at:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b084aaaa92ba64-planting

Everyone on the Planning Committee has worked hard since November to create a magical evening for our community.  We look forward to seeing you there.


Auction Planning Committee