PTO Mission and Bylaws

The Dallin Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (Dallin PTO) is a volunteer group organized to engage in educational and charitable activities that benefit the students of the Dallin Elementary School.

Dallin Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization strives to:

  1. 1. Provide financial and volunteer support for the school community to enrich the experiences of both students and staff.
  2. 2. Foster communication and cooperation between home and school so parents and teachers may be a team in the education of our children.
  3. 3. Encourage and develop a relationship among educators, parents and public to secure the highest advantages in physical, cognitive, and social education for every student.
  4. 4. Support the school in providing quality education and programs supporting that education for all children and for the betterment of the school.
  5. 5. Offset the costs of educational enrichment programs for our students.


Dallin PTO is a registered non-profit organization per Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Read the complete document here: