Dallin Elementary Community,
Our thoughts are with everyone around the world impacted, either directly or indirectly, by COVID-19. This is an extraordinary time and as we navigate through this rapidly-evolving situation, the health and safety of the Dallin Community are our top priority.
As your PTO board, our goals are to help keep our Dallin community safe, healthy and supported. We recognize and acknowledge that our fellow Parents/Caregivers, Teachers and Staff are juggling – working, parenting and homeschooling while striving to keep your households managed, healthy and fed. At a time when ‘business as usual’ is not an option, we need to focus on helping each other and assisting each other. As a reminder, the Dallin PTO and community are here for you. It’s a moment for us to come together and rally. If you need assistance or support, have a way to support one another or have ideas to help and share what is working during this time, please email dallinptoboard@gmail.com. We will do our best to help, facilitate and share.
Lastly, we extend our sincerest gratitude to the first responders, medical teams and all the people and organizations working to make the world safer as we battle to contain COVID-19. Thank you to everyone doing their part in social distancing and flattening the curve.
Be safe and take care.