We are excited to reconnect with the Dallin community for the 2020-2021 school year!
By having a child at the Dallin School, you are automatically a member of the Dallin Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
This will be a year like no other, and the Dallin PTO Board and committee chairs have already started discussions of how best to meet our mission during this unique year. We plan to continue to provide financial and organizational support for enrichment activities to supplement the curriculum, sponsor community-building events, and provide supplemental financial support to teachers and staff so they can best serve our students. Whether your child will be a hybrid or remote student, our goal is to support the whole Dallin community.
Stay Informed
Dallin official information is emailed to registered families using the e-mail address they provided at registration. You can also subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. More information about ways to stay informed is available here.
With kids coming to school on different days or learning remotely full-time, the Dallin Directory will be a key resource for staying connected to other families. The Directory is online and you can access it on the web or through an app. The school directory is distributed only to the Dallin community. Register or update your information here.
Volunteer Opportunities
Typically, Dallin PTO has a variety of ways to volunteer, whether you want to do hands-on organizing of an event or stay behind the scenes sending some emails – you’re encouraged to volunteer to your comfort level!
- Consider volunteering to be on the PTO Board or to lead a PTO-organized effort (lots of opportunities, big and small!): https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080A4EADAC2AAAF85-volunteer
- Become a Room Parent: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080A4EADAC2AAAF85-dallin8
PTO Meetings
We usually meet the first Wednesdays of the month September through May. We plan to start the year with virtual meetings.
Our first virtual meeting will be Wednesday, October 7 at 7 p.m.
We’re always looking to find ways to help all families feel welcome and connected to the Dallin community, and welcome any questions or feedback you may have! Please contact us at dallinptoboard@gmail.com.